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Weekly Report (12/6/16-12/12/16)

Weekly Report

December 6th, 2016 - December 12th, 2016

This week I have spent the majority of my time working on my original work project. Thus far, my project has helped me to gain a deeper understanding of how to implement marketing content and strategies. Marketing is such a broad field and learning how exactly to marketing something has been extremely difficult and has challenged me to grow as a student. First, simply typing into google “ how to market an online auction” will not get the job done. I learned this the hard way under the assumption that google had a answer to all of my questions. I found a multitude of different resources that repeatedly provided the same information. Know your target audience, produce appealing content, and monitor your results. While this information is helpful in some aspects of my original work, it didn't completely answer my question. I spent a lot of time looking in vain for the “how.” How exactly does one market something is a seemingly easy question that was more complex and challenging to answer than I thought. Overall I figured that I couldn't rely on the internet for my answers and I that I must take the project into my own hands and get creative on how to market an online auction. The most prominent idea I have come up with that is original and appealing is business cards that can be handed out in stores and restaurants to customers. I have even thought of the idea of asking these restaurants to donate part of their proceeds to traffick911 if customers participate in the online auction. While there can be legal issues to this, the progression of this idea is in the early stages.

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