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Original Work

For my I original work I was assigned the task to come up with a unique idea or product that I could create to help further my understanding of the marketing industry. For this assignment I decided to conduct research on marketing strategies and plans and then utilized this information to create my own marketing campaign for an online auction. The auction was created by one of piers, Aubrey Moore, with the purpose of raising money for Traffick911. Traffick911 is a local nonprofit organization that helps educate, identify, and empower victims of sex trafficking.With Aubrey's help I was able to my plan in execution by creating posters, business cards, print media, and social media content to promote the auction. Overall the auction was a big success raising over 1,800 dollars. From start to finish my project took over 19 hours and gave me an overall understanding of the marketing process. Through my original work I was able to better understand the multitude of aspects that go into the implementation of a marketing strategy. For more information visit the links at the bottom of the page. 

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